When hearing the word redwood, it is instantly coincided with the thought of California but a small patch of these giants stretch to a hidden section of southern Oregon.

The Oregon Redwoods
The Redwoods that grow in Oregon are Coast Redwoods and reach this small park tucked away in Curry County, Oregon. They occupy a 450-mile long stretch of coast referred to as the 'fog belt'.
The Coast Redwoods reach 373 feet at their upper limits and are the tallest tree in the world, even taller than the Giant Sequoia of California's Sierra Nevadas.

The Coast Redwoods are known for their long lives and resistance to disease. Their scientific name Sequoia Sempervirens means 'always growing'.
About The Hike
The trailhead is several miles back on a private dirt road through forest and ends on a small gravel parking lot of state forest land. The trailhead is tucked away opposite side of the lot to the restrooms.

You'll have two loop options for a roughly 2-mile journey through the redwoods. The main loop is graded for wheelchair accessibility while the other path is graded only for hiking.
The trail splits shortly after the trailhead and going left will take you on the longer hiking loop. This trail then later connects back to the original trail which you'll have the option to go further on and loop back or head back to the parking area.

The hike is out of the way from most of Oregon making it a secluded place to have a relaxing walk through the giant redwoods. This is the ideal place to see these giants without the California crowds.
The path is well built and lined with ferns like any good and picturesque redwoods trail would be.

The trees only get bigger as you travel through so don't feel the need to get off trail to take pictures with giants you see in the forest, you'll have plenty of opportunity for shots with bigger trees along the path further down.

Only the hiking trail is marked on AllTrails.
Oregon Redwoods Trail:
Distance: 1.6 Miles
Type: Loop
Ascent: 426 feet
Getting There and Important Information
The dirt road to the trailhead is tight and windy but only 2WD is required. Large RVs would have an issue but no problem for vans.
There looks like there is a trail behind the bathroom however the trailhead is opposite of this, the trail is something I mistook and lead to a couple dead ends in the forest.
This is state forest land so overnight parking and camping rules are in effect for dispersed and primitive camping.

The parking lot has a campsite and picnic table as well as a pit bathroom facility.
No use fee for this location.

©Copyright 2020-2021 Secret Hike
Photography exclusively by Dan Oliver unless otherwise stated and cited. Embedded maps are provided by Embed Google Map (embedgooglemap.net) and map images shown are provided as stated and cited.
This website is provided for entertainment purposes only, and is not meant to serve as an instructional guide, or present itself as an authority for any of the locations written about. The locations mentioned, written, and photographed herein are nothing more than my personal adventure archive. If you are interested in visiting any locations you should not depend on the information in this website to plan any excursions. You should research a wide variety of informational sources, websites, hiking guide books and maps found elsewhere. Many locations are dangerous and potentially illegal to access which can lead to fines, injury or death even when prepared. I do not encourage anyone to trespass or put themselves or others in way of harm. This website, and therefore its’ owner/author, cannot assume any responsibility for anything you may incur while hiking or exploring any of these locations or anywhere on planet earth. Thank you for viewing!